Where to stay in Granada?

Granada is a must-see on any road trip through Andalusia, thanks to its famous Alhambra, Spain’s most visited monument. But beyond this fortress, Granada also boasts a number of pleasant neighborhoods to discover, as well as several museums to visit. As a result, it usually takes at least 2 days to discover the city. Choosing where to stay in Granada is therefore essential to making the most of your stay.

In this guide, we detail the best areas to stay in Granada, based on their location within the city, their general ambience, and their advantages for selecting accommodation. We also share our recommendations for hotels and B&Bs in Granada, to suit all budgets.

Key information

Before going into the description of the places to target when selecting accommodation in Granada, here are the essentials to know from a tourist point of view. They should give you a better idea of the city and its constraints.

Our favorite places to stay

For those in a hurry, here are our favorite places to stay in Granada:

  • $ this hotel is one of the cheapest you’ll find in the center of Granada
  • $$ this guesthouse has a panoramic terrace overlooking the Alhambra
  • $$$ this luxury establishment, just a few steps from the center, is one of the best places to stay in Granada

Map of the different areas of Granada where to stay

To give you a quick overview of the different places we recommend to stay in Granada, you’ll find on the map below all the Granada accommodation recommendations we’ll be sharing in this guide. You can also use it to locate the various neighborhoods we’ll be detailing.

The essentials for choosing where to stay in Granada

Staying a few days

Granada is extremely rich in culture and very pleasant to visit. As well as the must-see Alhambra, you can stroll its streets and see its many monuments. Most visitors stay at least 2 days.

Pedestrian city

Although not car-free, Granada is best visited on foot. Parking lots are few and far between, and streets are often narrow and pedestrianized. So park your car and enjoy your walk.

Making arrangements

The Alhambra, one of Spain's most important monuments, attracts 2 million tourists every year. Finding out where to stay in Granada well in advance will help you make the best choice in this popular city.


Around the cathedral, the Realjo and Centro Sagrario districts form the city center. This is the best place to stay in Granada for location, entertainment and choice of accommodation.

Albayzin and Sacromonte

The Albayzin and Sacromonte hills are a great place to stay in Granada, for an immersion in the charming old Arab and gypsy quarters. A lively atmosphere in the evenings.

Staying elsewhere?

There are alternatives where to stay in more remote residential areas, but the difficulty of access by car and limited public transport make this a potential hassle.

Where to stay in Granada

Let’s get to the heart of the matter with a review of the main areas where to stay in Granada, Andalusia.

Realjo and Centro Sagrario: staying in the heart of Granada

Alleyway in Granada's Albaicin district

Realjo, in the center of Granada, is the former Jewish quarter and what was the city's first settlement. Together with the neighboring Centro Sagrario area, which emerged later under Christian rule, they form the city center. This is where most visitors stay in Granada.

Right at the foot of the Alhambra, the area is home to many places of interest, including :

  • of course, the Cathedral of the Incarnation, nestled in its own little square, with its richly decorated interior
  • the Basilica of San Juan de Dios, dedicated to the city's patron saint
  • the Corral del Carbon, a well-preserved former caravanserai

You can also stroll through the small streets, enjoying the squares and gardens, such as the pretty little Plaza de Bib-Rambla, or along the slightly more commercial arteries.

The location is also ideal for reaching other areas of interest. In particular, the Arab quarter of Albayzin and the gypsy quarter of Sacromonte, just north of the Plaza Nueva. If you choose this area as your accommodation in Granada, you can visit everything on foot. This may involve a bit of climbing, as Granada is built on hills! Distances are reasonable, however: the viewpoint of Saint Nicolas, at the top of the Albayzin, is less than 20 minutes' walk from the cathedral, and the entrance to the Alhambra, though remote, is no more than 30 minutes away.

Be careful, too, if you arrive in Granada by car, as most roadtrip tourists do. The city center, especially the Realjo, is full of narrow streets and pedestrian precincts. So think about parking options and traffic flow when choosing your accommodation before booking where to stay.

Finally, don't worry about restaurants and nightlife. You'll find plenty of bars and restaurants in all 4 corners of the area, as well as supermarkets and mini-markets if you can cook in your accommodation.

So, thanks to its location close to tourist attractions, as well as the wealth of accommodation on offer, the center is one of our top recommendations for where to stay in Granada during your stay.

Párraga Siete

Unpretentious but inexpensive hotel in an extremely convenient location in the heart of the historic center. Nothing to complain about for the price.

La Casa de la Trinidad


Modern, comfortable rooms for this hotel right in the Centro Sagrario, right next to Piazza della Trinità. Easy access to public parking nearby. Good value for money for accommodation in the center.

Palacio de Santa Paula, Autograph Collection


Exceptional establishment: magnificent historic former convent, impeccable Andalusian-style rooms, restaurant in one of the chapels, quiet location. To top it all off, it's located in the north of the center, close to the Albayzin and a 10-minute walk from the cathedral. If your budget allows it, this is the best luxury hotel where to stay in Granada while sightseeing.

Realjo et Centro Sagrario : dormir en plein coeur de Grenade

Granada Cathedral

Realjo, au centre de Grenade, est l'ancien quartier juif et ce qui fut le premier lieu habité de la cité. Avec la zone voisine du Centro Sagrario, apparue plus tard sous la domination chrétienne, ils forment le centre-ville. C'est l'endroit choisi par la plupart des visiteurs pour dormir à Grenade.

Juste au pied de l'Alhambra, la zone abrite de nombreux lieux d'intérêts, avec entre autres :

  • bien sûr, la cathédrale de l'Incarnation, nichée sur sa petite place, avec un intérieur richement décoré
  • dans le même domaine religieux, la basilique San Juan de Dios, dédiée au saint-patron de la ville
  • la Corral del Carbon, ancien caravansérail très bien conservé

On peut aussi déambuler dans les petites rues, pour profiter des places et jardins, comme la jolie petite Plaza de Bib-Rambla, ou sur les artères un peu plus commerçantes.

La situation est aussi idéale pour rejoindre les autres zones intéressantes. En particulier les quartiers arabe d'Albayzin et gitan de Sacromonte, juste au nord en passant la Plaza Nueva. En choisissant dans cette zone votre hébergement pour vous loger à Grenade, vous pourrez tout visiter à pied. Au prix toutefois parfois d'un peu de grimpette : Grenade s'est sur des collines ! Les distances sont cependant raisonnables : le point de vue de Saint Nicolas, au somment de l'Albayzin, est à moins de 20 minutes à pied de la cathédrale, et l'entrée de l'Alhambra, pourtant isolée, à 30 minutes maximum.

Attention aussi pour ceux qui arrivent à Grenade en voiture, comme la plupart des touristes en roadtrip. Le centre, en particulier le Realjo, est plein de rue étroites ou piétonnes. Pensez donc aux choix de parking et aux possibilités de circulation lors de votre choix d'hébergement avant de réserver où dormir.

Enfin, pas de souci concernant la restauration et l'animation nocturne. Vous trouverez de nombreux bars et restaurants aux 4 coins de la zone, et aussi des supermarchés et supérettes si vous pouvez cuisiner dans votre hébergement.

Ainsi, de par l'emplacement proche des lieux touristiques, ainsi que la richesse de l'offre d'hébergement, le centre est l'une de nos première recommandations de lieu où loger à Grenade lors de votre séjour.

Párraga Siete

Unpretentious but inexpensive hotel in an extremely convenient location in the heart of the historic center. Nothing to complain about for the price.

La Casa de la Trinidad


Modern, comfortable rooms for this hotel right in the Centro Sagrario, right next to Piazza della Trinità. Easy access to public parking nearby. Good value for money for accommodation in the center.

Palacio de Santa Paula, Autograph Collection


Exceptional establishment: magnificent historic former convent, impeccable Andalusian-style rooms, restaurant in one of the chapels, quiet location. To top it all off, it's located in the north of the center, close to the Albayzin and a 10-minute walk from the cathedral. If your budget allows it, this is the best luxury hotel where to stay in Granada while sightseeing.

Albayzin and Sacromonte, accommodation with old-world charm

A garden in Granada's Alhambra

Just to the north, the Albayzin or Albaicín hill offers superb views of the Alhambra and the rest of Granada. The district itself hasn't changed that much since Arab times, with its hillside lanes and white houses.

Its charm has made it a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a great place to stay when visiting. If you're looking for an unspoilt, authentic place to stay in Granada, the Albayzin is the place to go.

The climb up its charming alleyways is rewarded by magnificent vantage points, such as the San Nicolas or San Cristobal viewpoints, which are not to be missed. Below, from the Plaza Nueva that marks the entrance to the district, you can walk up the Daro River to observe the Alhambra ramparts. Or pay a quick visit to the El Banuelo baths, vestiges of the Arab era.

Choosing accommodation in the area isn't a bad option from a walking point of view either. The center of town is not far away, and the entrance to it is less than a 20-minute walk away. The Alhambra can be reached just as easily.

Accommodation is plentiful, and if you plan well in advance, you'll easily find something to stay in the area.

Restaurants and bars are easy to find in the area, often housed in charming old houses. Access to small shops is more complicated: you may want to do your shopping in the center before heading back to your accommodation in the evening.

A little further east, the gypsy quarter of Sacromonte has also remained frozen in time. You'll discover troglodyte dwellings and small caves where flamenco shows specific to gypsy culture are performed. The area's authenticity is also due to the fact that there are very few hotels or tourist rentals, not helped by its slightly off-center location.


Authentic atmosphere in this clean and friendly youth hostel, perfect for cheap accommodation in Granada. The hostel is frequented by many young Spaniards, so speaking the language will help you get the most out of the place.

Casa Bombo


Small bed and breakfast on the heights in a typical Albayzin street. The swimming pool is very nice. Immersion guaranteed, especially with the view. You can park your car nearby, but you'll need to check with the establishment beforehand to find out how to enter the area.

Casa Morisca


Located at the foot of the Albayzin, this charming hotel features rooms overlooking a small inner courtyard, tastefully decorated in a style full of old-world charm. An excellent choice for staying in Granada in an authentic setting. A small parking lot is available: please enquire when booking.

Albayzin et Sacromonte, loger dans le charme de l'ancien

Alleyway in Granada's Albaicin district

Juste au nord, la colline de l'Albayzin ou Albaicín offre une superbe vue sur l'Alhambra et le reste de Grenade. Le quartier lui-même n'a pas tant changé depuis l'époque arabe, avec ses ruelles à flanc de colline et ses maisons blanches.

Son charme l'a fait inscrire au patrimoine mondial de l'humanité par l'UNESCO et en fait aussi un lieu de choix pour y loger lors de sa visite. Si vous cherchez à dormir à Grenade dans un lieu préservé et authentique, c'est bien l'Albayzin qui est à privilégier.

On est récompensé de la montée de ses charmantes ruelles par l'arrivée sur des points d'observation magnifiques, comme le mirador de San Nicolas ou celui de San Cristobal, à ne surtout pas manquer. En contrebas, depuis la Plaza Nueva qui marque l'entrée du quartier, on peut remonter la rivière Daro pour observer les remparts de l'Alhambra. Ou visiter (rapidement) les bains de El Banuelo, vestiges de l'époque arabe.

Choisir un hébergement dans le secteur n'est pas non plus une mauvaise option du point de vue des déplacements (à pied). Le centre se trouve en effet non loin, globalement à moins de 20 minutes à pied pour son entrée. L'Alhambra peut être rejointe aussi facilement.

L'offre d'hébergement est bien présente et vous trouverez aisément de quoi dormir dans le secteur en vous y prenant suffisamment à l'avance.

On trouve sans mal des restaurants et des bars dans le coin, souvent logés dans des maisons anciennes et très sympathiques. L'accès aux petits commerces est plus compliqué : faites éventuellement vos courses dans le centre avant de rejoindre votre hébergement le soir.

Un peu plus à l'est, le quartier gitan de Sacromonte est lui aussi resté figé dans le temps. On découvre des habitations troglodytes et de petites grottes où sont proposés des spectacles de flamenco spécifiques de la culture gitane. Si la zone est authentique, c'est aussi car on y trouve très peu d'hôtels ou de locations touristiques. sa situation un peu excentrée n'aidant pas.


Authentic atmosphere in this clean and friendly youth hostel, perfect for cheap accommodation in Granada. The hostel is frequented by many young Spaniards, so speaking the language will help you get the most out of the place.

Casa Bombo


Small bed and breakfast on the heights in a typical Albayzin street. The swimming pool is very nice. Immersion guaranteed, especially with the view. You can park your car nearby, but you'll need to check with the establishment beforehand to find out how to enter the area.

Casa Morisca


Located at the foot of the Albayzin, this charming hotel features rooms overlooking a small inner courtyard, tastefully decorated in a style full of old-world charm. An excellent choice for staying in Granada in an authentic setting. A small parking lot is available: please enquire when booking.

Interesting outlying areas to stay in Granada

Granada Cathedral

Most of the available tourist accommodations are located in the center or in the more typical Albayzin district to the north. The wide choice, in all budget ranges, doesn't necessarily justify looking further afield for where to stay.

However, there are a few more out-of-the-way places to stay, especially in the south and west of the city.

For example, you can stay in the south, around the Genil river, in the more residential Zaidin district. You'll find it easier to park your car, and the center of town is within walking distance. For example, it takes around 20 minutes to walk to the cathedral.

If you're arriving by train, you can also choose the Ronda district. The station is located in this area. If you choose to stay here, you won't have to carry too much luggage, and you'll still be less than 20 minutes from the center.

It's not really advisable to stay further away from the heart of Granada, in residential areas of little interest and with a poor supply of accommodation. In fact, for a stay as short as a few days, it's best to avoid the inconvenience of having to travel long distances for sightseeing. What's more, public transport isn't easy to get to grips with, and finding yourself dependent on the bus or streetcar can come as a surprise.

Catalonia Granada


Good value for money for this modern establishment less than 10 minutes' walk from the nearby station. The city center is less than 20 minutes away. A convenient and comfortable place to stay when traveling by train.



North of Zaidin, south of the city center, this large, comfortable hotel offers parking and decent rooms at a fair price. A great place to stay in Granada, you can leave your car outside the hard-to-reach areas and do everything on foot. The cathedral, for example, is less than 20 minutes away.

Zones périphériques intéressantes pour dormir à Grenade

Granada tramway station

La plupart des hébergements touristiques disponibles sont situés dans le centre ou dans le quartier plus typique de l'Albayzin, au nord. Le large choix, dans toutes les gammes de budget, ne justifient pas forcément de chercher plus loin où dormir.

Cependant, on trouve quelques hébergements un peu plus excentrés, surtout au sud et à l'ouest de la ville.

Il est possible par exemple de loger au sud, autour de la rivière Genil, dans le quartier plus résidentiel de Zaidin. Vous pourrez plus facilement vous garer et le centre reste à une distance raisonnable à pied. A titre d'exemple, il faut compter une vingtaine de minutes pour accéder à la cathédrale.

Vous pourrez aussi choisir le quartier de la Ronda si vous arrivez en train. En effet, la gare est située dans ce secteur. En choisissant d'y loger, vous éviterez de trop transporter vos affaires, tout en restant à moins de 20 minutes du centre.

Il n'est pas vraiment recommandé de plus s'éloigner du cœur de Grenade pour dormir, dans des zones résidentielles sans grand intérêt et à l'offre d'hébergement pauvre. En effet, pour un séjour aussi court que quelques jours, il vaut mieux s'éviter des trajets handicapants pour les temps de visite. De plus, les transports en commun ne sont pas évidents à appréhender, et se retrouver tributaire du bus ou du tramway pourra vous jouer des surprises.

Catalonia Granada


Good value for money for this modern establishment less than 10 minutes' walk from the nearby station. The city center is less than 20 minutes away. A convenient and comfortable place to stay when traveling by train.



North of Zaidin, south of the city center, this large, comfortable hotel offers parking and decent rooms at a fair price. A great place to stay in Granada, you can leave your car outside the hard-to-reach areas and do everything on foot. The cathedral, for example, is less than 20 minutes away.

Staying at the Alhambra: a good idea?

Alley in Granada's Albaicin district

The Alhambra Palace, the jewel of Granada and Andalusia, is perched on a hill isolated from the rest of the city. Apart from visiting the site (allow at least half a day), there's not much to do there. It is therefore not advisable to stay overnight.

However, a number of accommodation options are available within the citadel itself. We can't fail to mention them. If you choose to stay on site, however, you'll be missing out on the nightlife. You'll have to take your car from the on-site parking lot (for a fee) to a restaurant in the center below. Nor are the other sights easy to get to, especially on foot. In short, you'll need to be prepared for a lot of climbing and descending to discover the rest of Granada!

In exchange, you'll be able to enjoy the Alhambra at night, after closing time, and your nights will be very quiet. This may be a one-night option, but you don't have to stay overnight to enjoy the place.



You'd expect to find this small, rustic hotel on the grounds of a site of this scale as much as you'd expect to find rooms on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower! The retro-rustic style is very charming. The price may be too high for what you get, but it's rare to be able to stay in the Alhambra.

Parador de Granada


This superb building, a refurbished convent, offers rooms with an admittedly old-fashioned decor. Staying at the Parador in Granada means taking advantage of its exceptional location, with a breathtaking view of the Alhambra gardens. A decent restaurant is available to avoid leaving this isolated establishment in the evening.

Dormir dans l'Alhambra : une bonne idée pour un hébergement ?

A garden in Granada's Alhambra

Le palais de l'Alhambra, joyau de Grenade et de l'Andalousie, est perché sur une colline isolée du reste de la ville. Outre la visite du site (comptez au moins une demi-journée), il n'y a pas grand chose à faire sur place. Il n'est donc pas conseillé de choisir d'y dormir.

Cependant, plusieurs hébergements sont disponibles dans l'enceinte même de la citadelle. Nous ne pouvons pas ne pas les mentionner. En choisissant de loger sur place, vous ferez cependant une croix sur l'animation nocturne. Vous devrez prendre votre voiture depuis le parking (payant) du site pour rejoindre un restaurant du centre, en contrebas. Les autres sites touristiques ne seront pas non plus faciles d'accès, surtout à pied. Bref, préparez-vous à des descentes et des montées redoublées pour découvrir le reste de Grenade !

En échange, vous pourrez profiter de l'Alhambra de nuit, après la fermeture, et vos nuits seront très calmes. C'est peut-être une option pour une nuit, mais il n'est pas nécessaire de dormir sur place pour profiter du lieu.



You'd expect to find this small, rustic hotel on the grounds of a site of this scale as much as you'd expect to find rooms on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower! The retro-rustic style is very charming. The price may be too high for what you get, but it's rare to be able to stay in the Alhambra.

Parador de Granada


This superb building, a refurbished convent, offers rooms with an admittedly old-fashioned decor. Staying at the Parador in Granada means taking advantage of its exceptional location, with a breathtaking view of the Alhambra gardens. A decent restaurant is available to avoid leaving this isolated establishment in the evening.


To soak up Andalusian culture, the best place to stay in Granada is in the city center. In the Realjo or Centro Sagrario districts. In addition to their lively bars and restaurants, they’re also well located for exploring the city. A maximum 30-minute walk will take you to the Alhambra, Albaicin and Sacromonte, all of which are not to be missed.

For a truly special experience, you can stay right inside the Alhambra fortress. This unique experience allows you to take full advantage of the site, but is not the ideal solution in terms of location. We recommend this accommodation solution only for a very short stay in Granada, or for part of your stay. Typically for one or two nights.

If budget is an important criterion for you, staying in Granada on the outskirts of the city center gives you access to an even wider range of accommodation. Be careful not to stray too far, though, as getting to the center isn’t that easy. The city has only one streetcar line, which crosses it from north to south, and the bus routes are not always easy to understand as a tourist